Love, Death & Robots

I recently finished the last episode in this miniseries. It’s on Netflix and I came to it because of some post in 9gag about it, so I decided to check it out. Little did I know that I was about to enter a very satisfying collection of stories.

This series has 18 episodes, almost all of them if not all are 10 to 15 min long. As I read it from Wikipedia, it was released on March 15th, I watched it March 17th till this morning, not that bad. It’s produced by David Fincher and Tim Miller mostly; I can relate the OST to Fincher and some of the distopic scenarios displayed (The Social Network and House of Cards). Don’t know if actually Reznor was involved in the project but it definetely has some hints of it.

Series shows each episode as a complete independent story and all of them are animation shorts with dark scripts, terror and futuristic worlds.

In an era with increasing influence of AI, humanity is inclined to perceive highly the nature and not the overconnected world we currently live in and appears to be getting worse. Therefore this set arrives in a way to question reality and to push limits of imagination and the dangers that come with it. I could call it an animated version of Black Mirror.

Also, from the very first episode I was hooked by the quality of the animation and the cgi, the amount of effort and how advanced is the technology to have such terrific renderings and fluid movements. Astonished. It is a good portafolio of the main studios that carried the episodes and I am not sure if this was an attempt to showcase the best of the best with a commercial end, but it was very good to leave me breathless and taking hats off every time with those.

To not go through all the episodes, I have my own ranking and goes like:

1- The secret war (that fight scene!!! are you serious?)
2- Beyond the Aquila Rift (the graphics and the story behind. Maybe it’s a bit redundant on how many times the simulation topic was touched this century but gives chills and I loved it)
3- Helping Hand (For the true feeling of disgust and shivers it produced and also because I have a fixation on space stories that go wrong)
4- The Witness (great twist, very psychological)
5- Sonny’s edge (music-wise perfect and great animation as well, not very impacting story)
6- Zima Blue (I could move it higher up, I like the subtle hint of Sartre and existentialism. I’d like to apply it more to my daily life)
7- Lucky number 13
8- Good Hunting (because I feel there are fights one needs to take)
9- Sucker of Souls
10- Fish Night (lovely, it’s poetic and perspire freedom and magic realism)
11- Three Robots
12- The Dump
13- Shape Shifters
14- Blindspot
15- Suits
16- Ice Age (I don’t like Topher Grace but I love That 70’s show)
17- When The Yogurt Took Over (could be less of a dystopia now that we live on the eco vegan age)
18- Alternate Histories (lazy af, good that Secret war was just next to it to renew hopes and leave it high)

Overall rating: 9,3

I know it’s a bit too high but I feel so sad I finished it already. Good investment of time and good job Netflix, clap clap

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